Steve has an extensive range of professional awards across all major disciplines. Most of these take many years to achieve.


BC Level 5 Canoe Coach, BC Guide. This permits Steve to lead and coach Canoeing in any environment. He is able to train and assess all BC leadership awards in this discipline.
White Water Safety & Rescue course provider.
Steve is a National Trainer for the Canoe Leader Award.


BC Level 5 White Water Kayak Coach, BC Guide. This permits Steve to lead and coach White Water Kayaking in any environment. He is able to train and assess all BC leadership awards in this discipline.
White Water Safety & rescue course provider.
Steve is a National Trainer for the White Water Kayak Leader Award.


BC Level 4 Sea Kayak Coach, BC Guide. This permits Steve to lead and coach Sea Kayaking in any environment. He is able to train and assess all BC leadership awards in this discipline.
Sea Kayak Safety Award provider.
Coastal Navigation & Tidal Planning course provider.
Open Water Navigation course provider.
Steve is a National Trainer for the Sea Kayak Leader and Advanced Sea Kayak Leader awards.


Steve is one of only a handful of BC Guide Scheme providers worldwide who can run all five of the Guide modules. He is a BC Guide assessor.


BCA Caving Instructor Certificate. The highest possible award which allows the leading and coaching of caving without restriction.
Steve is a trainer and assessor for the BCA Local Cave and Mine Leader Awards at both Cave Leader and Vertical Cave Leader levels.


SMLTB Winter Mountain Leader Certificate. Holders of this award can lead and coach mountain walking throughout the UK and Ireland in all conditions.
MLTE Mountain Leader trainer and assessor
MLTB Single Pitch Supervisor’s Award


RYA Advanced Dinghy Sailing Instructor. This permits the coaching of advanced sailing including the use of trapeze and spinnaker.
RYA Day Skipper
RYA Level 4 Powerboat Certificate


Steve has a wide range of coaching awards in other disciplines and sports including Orienteering, Football, Rugby, Basketball, Squash, Volleyball and Swimming. The breadth of his experience as well as the sheer volume of coaching, training and assessing in which he has been involved, place him in a very strong position to advise, guide and coach others.