About Steve

Steve has a background in recreational and competitive outdoor activities, combined with 30+ years of academic and professional training. This positions him uniquely within the ranks of UK outdoor activity providers. His extensive practical experience in all the major outdoor activities is underpinned by a specialist understanding of the theory behind the practice – it’s a rare combination. This guarantees an expert and personalised approach as well as a commitment to supporting everyone to realise their adventure sports ambitions.

Vertical Cave Leader assessment

Vertical Cave Leader assessment

Steve ran a Vertical Cave Leader assessment in Sell Gill Holes in sweltering, atypical conditions – we were pleased to get underground!  The candidate did an excellent job of providing a good day out for a small group of adults.

If you are interested in trying or developing your caving, or progressing your British Caving qualifications, Steve will be pleased to help you.  He can offer caving experiences and training at all levels and is a trainer/assessor for both BCA’s Cave Leader and Vertical Cave Leader awards.

Get in touch on 07796 213817 and steve@stevebanksoutdoors.co.uk

By |August 1st, 2022|Cave|Comments Off on Vertical Cave Leader assessment

Cumbria Sea Kayak Leader assessment

Sea Kayak Leader assessment Cumbria

Steve ran a further Sea Kayak Leader assessment on the Cumbrian coast, this time at St Bees.  We had a sea state at the very top of the remit all day with force 4 wind and a long surf break to negotiate out and back to shore.  The candidate did a good job of paddling in the conditions and managed the clients very well  – they had a great day out!

If you would like support with your sea kayaking at any level from beginner to advanced, or help with leadership qualifications, Cumbria provides some excellent venues and Steve will be delighted to assist you.  Please get in touch for a discussion about your needs:  07796 213817 & steve@stevebanksoutdoors.co.uk

By |July 8th, 2022|Sea Kayak|Comments Off on Cumbria Sea Kayak Leader assessment

Sea Kayak Leader assessment Cumbria

Coastal NAvigation & Tidal Planning

Steve ran a British Canoeing Sea Kayak Leader assessment day in excellent conditions from Barrow in Furness yesterday.  Warm and sunny sea and weather were spiced up with 2 knot currents on a spring tide, force 4 winds and significant sea conditions on the South end of Walney island.  We were also entertained by the seals which came to investigate us, nudging our boats and surfing beside us.

If you need support with your Sea Kayak qualifications and training or would just like to try sea kayaking or develop your existing skills Steve will delighted to help.  Just call on 07796 213817 or email steve@stevebanksoutdoors.co.uk

By |July 2nd, 2022|Sea Kayak|Comments Off on Sea Kayak Leader assessment Cumbria

Jurassic Fossil Hunt

Giant Ammonite

Steve took a day off from running a sea kayak trip on the Dorset coast to go on a fossil hunting walk among the Jurassic rocks of this world heritage site.  Starting at Lyme Regis we soon found ourselves with plenty to look at including giant ammonites, corals and crinoids.  The Jurassic period lasted from approximately 200 to 145 million years ago and followed the mass extinction at the end of the Triassic period.  The sedimentary rocks along England’s south coast have captured and  fossilised the remains of the abundance of creatures as they fell to the sea bed and were covered in silt.  The rock this later formed and which was raised by tectonic movement, has provided a palaeontologist’s delight charting the recovery of marine life following this 4th extinction event.  This was most likely caused by an increase in atmospheric CO2 over an 18 million year period as a result of much increased volcanic activity; it contrasts markedly with the current, incredibly rapid rise in CO2 which is driving the present human-induced climate emergency and 6th mass extinction.

By |June 29th, 2022|Environment, Keswick Guided Walks|Comments Off on Jurassic Fossil Hunt

Jurassic Sea Kayaking

Jurassic coast sea kayaking

Steve followed up an excellent week’s paddling in Jersey with a sea kayaking week on the Jurassic coast of Dorset.  A World Heritage Site famed for its spectacular limestone & chalk cliffs and abundant marine fossils, this coastline promised to provide an exciting and interesting summer venue.  We were not disappointed and enjoyed some great paddles including from Kimmeridge Bay to Chapman’s Pool, around Old Harry’s Rocks and westwards from Lulworth Cove taking in Durdle Door and the huge and dazzling white cliffs beyond.  We also took a day to visit Lyme Regis and had a chance to go fossil hunting on the shore – we came across many surprisingly large specimens with ammonites well to the fore.

If you are keen to develop your sea kayaking knowledge and skills Steve will be pleased to help you.  If you fancy coming along on a trip, next summer’s venue will be at the opposite end of the country in Shetland, though Steve may well put on an autumn trip too.  Call on 07796 213817 or email at steve@stevebanksoutdoors.co.uk

By |June 28th, 2022|Sea Kayak|Comments Off on Jurassic Sea Kayaking

Jersey Sea Kayak trip

Jersey Sea Kayak trip

Steve has just run a week-long sea kayak trip to Jersey.  This was quite a change from the trips to the West and North of Scotland he usually runs at this time of year.  Everyone enjoyed the warm sunny weather and the almost Mediterranean feel to this most southerly part of the British Isles (it reached 32C on the final day!).  Jersey is not, however, entirely benign, as it sits off the French coast and is subject to the powerful tidal flows which ebb and flow through the English Channel, meaning there are tide races and potentially challenging seas off every headland.  Steve planned trips to take advantage of the flow and to avoid difficult conditions, though without removing the adventure from the days.  Highlights included seeing sunfish off the Grève de Lecq coast; surfing in the Noirmont race; rounding Corbière in ‘interesting’ seas and the final evening BBQ.

If you are keen on extending your sea kayaking or enjoying a sea kayaking trip somewhere new, please check the Sea Kayak section on the website or get in touch with Steve, he’ll be delighted to hear from you and will do his best to help: 07796 213817 & steve@stevebanksoutdoors.co.uk

By |June 28th, 2022|Sea Kayak|Comments Off on Jersey Sea Kayak trip

Cave Leader assessment, Scotland

Cave Leader training course

Steve ran a BCA Cave Leader assessment in Assynt last weekend.  Assynt has the most developed caving area in Scotland and provides some interesting and unusual caving compared to other parts of the UK.  We visited several venues and the candidate was able to provide interesting and stimulating trips for all concerned.

If you’d like support with your caving qualifications or would just like to give caving a go, please get in touch and we’ll do our best to help: steve@stevebanksoutdoors.co.uk & 07796 213817

By |May 24th, 2022|Cave|Comments Off on Cave Leader assessment, Scotland

Scottish Canoe trip

Scottish Canoe trip

Steve ran his annual canoe trip in NW Scotland last week.  Some mixed weather enabled us to use our full repertoire of canoeing skills on this multi-day, wild camping journey.  We had several excellent canoe sailing elements, both solo and tandem paddling, poling and also some tracking up gentle, but shallow, rivers.  The wildlife was excellent with regular sightings of black throated divers and golden eagles, though the highlight was when an osprey flew over the camp whilst circling and hunting for fish.  All this whilst surrounded by stunning Torridonian mountains and not a person in sight anywhere – fabulous!

If you would like to try canoeing or develop your canoeing skills Steve will be pleased to assist.  If you’re interested in a canoe trip home or abroad please call to chat to us as we have several exciting trips and can also provide bespoke ones to fit your needs: steve@stevebanksoutdoors.co.uk & 07796 213817

By |May 21st, 2022|Canoe|Comments Off on Scottish Canoe trip

British Caving Association Cave Leader update workshop in Scotland

Vertical Cave Leader training, Yorkshire Dales

Steve ran a BCA update workshop in Scotland recently.  Scotland is not somewhere which springs to mind when thinking about caving, but it does have some areas of Cambrian limestone which provide some small but interesting venues.  Assynt has the most developed cave network in Scotland and it was here that Steve ran an update day for Vertical Cave Leaders.  An excellent day was had in Rana Hole (Rana after rana temporaria, the common frog) covering, practising and updating all the elements of the award.

If you would like to try caving or develop your caving awards – or even join us on a spectacular caving trip abroad, please get in touch and we’ll do our best to help: 07796 213817 & steve@stevebanksoutdoors.co.uk

By |May 16th, 2022|Cave|Comments Off on British Caving Association Cave Leader update workshop in Scotland

Sea Leader assessment, Cumbria

CumbriaSea Kayak Leader training

Steve was out on the Cumbrian coast again yesterday in his National Trainer role for British Canoeing: aspirant trainer/assessors for British Canoeing’s various leadership awards have to follow a process to become qualified to run courses.  Yesterday was an observation of a Sea Kayak Leader assessment and, in excellent conditions for the award, all went well.

If you’re interested in any British Canoeing qualifications, get in touch with Steve who runs personal performance and leadership courses at moderate and advanced level in sea kayak, canoe and white water kayak.  07796 213817 & steve@stevebanksoutdoors.co.uk

By |May 13th, 2022|Sea Kayak|Comments Off on Sea Leader assessment, Cumbria
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