About Steve

Steve has a background in recreational and competitive outdoor activities, combined with 30+ years of academic and professional training. This positions him uniquely within the ranks of UK outdoor activity providers. His extensive practical experience in all the major outdoor activities is underpinned by a specialist understanding of the theory behind the practice – it’s a rare combination. This guarantees an expert and personalised approach as well as a commitment to supporting everyone to realise their adventure sports ambitions.

Canoe Leader Training Cumbria

Canoe Leader Training Cumbria

Steve has two Canoe Leader training courses coming up in Cumbria: The Open Water training course is on November 21st whilst the White Water version is the following day, the 22nd November.  These courses are suitable both for individuals working towards the British Canoeing leader qualifications, as well as for any competent canoeist who wishes to hone their skills and decision making to keep themselves safer on the water.  For this level of course Open Water is up to 500m from shore in winds up to and including force 4;  White water is grade 2 with occasional 3.  You should be competent to work in these environments under supervision to join either course – if you’re interested and/or unsure please call Steve for a discussion and guidance: 07796 213817 and steve@stevebanksoutdoors.co.uk

By |November 6th, 2023|Canoe|Comments Off on Canoe Leader Training Cumbria

Skill Acquisition days with British Curling

British Curling

Steve was invited to work with British Curling’s performance coaches to explain skill acquisition principles and to explore the potential benefits for elite level curlers.  The National Curling Academy is based in Stirling, it boasts excellent facilities for competition and to aid the practice and development of Britain’s curling talent.  The main goals are the Olympics and World Championships where Britain already has a strong track record though, in the pursuit of any and all gains, marginal or otherwise, British Curling is working hard to maximise the potential of their athletes.  Steve was delighted to be able to assist.

If you’re interested in learning more about skill acquisition to enable your activity development, whatever the discipline and level of expertise, Steve will be happy to support you.  He runs public courses as well as bespoke training.  Get in touch at steve@stevebanksoutdoors.co.uk and on 07796 213817.

By |October 26th, 2023|Skill Acquisition|Comments Off on Skill Acquisition days with British Curling

A punctuated walk

Cumbrian Comma

A warm early Autumn day found us on a quiet woodland walk.  We came across a wild rose bush festooned with rose hips.  It was also covered in butterflies enjoying the sugar from the hips as they split open to release their seeds.  Whilst the majority of the butterflies were Red Admirals (Vanessa atalanta), we did also spot a pair of Commas (Polygonia c-album) and managed to photograph them whilst perching.  The Comma typically emerges in March to April and the brood emerges in June and July.  There are two forms and the hutchinsoni form will, if the weather is suitably warm, have a second brood which emerges in August and September.  The hutchinsoni form has more brightly coloured upper wings with paler underwings, though has the distinctive white comma mark on the underwing as with all of this species – hence the name.  The butterfly in the image is a male, as identified by its more deeply indented, serrated wing edges and stronger markings.

If you are interested in discovering and understanding the nature on your doorstep, but would like some guidance and support, Steve will be very pleased to help.  He runs all manner of natural history and environmental days and walks on demand as required.  Get in touch to chat about your needs on 07796 213817 and at steve@stevebanksoutdoors.co.uk

By |October 1st, 2023|Environment, Keswick Guided Walks, Mountain, natural history|Comments Off on A punctuated walk

Coastal Navigation & Tidal Planning course

Coastal Navigation course

This course covers the critical issues to keep you safe on the sea using sea kayaks, sit on tops and paddleboards.  Steve ran the CN&TP course this week for both recreational and qualification seeking sea paddlers.  He covered weather, tides, currents, different coastlines, trip planning, navigation, buoyage, pilotage and more.  It’s an extremely useful day for anyone going out on the sea in paddlesport craft.  It’s also a prerequisite for anyone seeking sea kayak leadership qualifications.

If you’re keen to paddle on the sea and are looking to do so as safely as possible, then this is an ideal course for you.  Steve advertises regular dates, though do get in touch to discuss your needs; he’ll be pleased to hear from you and happy to help: 07796 213817 and steve@stevebanksoutdoors.co.uk

By |October 1st, 2023|Sea Kayak, SUP|Comments Off on Coastal Navigation & Tidal Planning course

Cave Leader Group Day assssment

Group Day assessment

Steve was out this week running a BCA Cave Leader Group Day assessment in the Yorkshire Dales.  Aspirant Cave Leaders (the award for leading in mainly horizontal caves with some easy scrambling) have to attend a two day training course before presenting for a Core Skills assessment day to check their knowledge, personal skills and equipment use.  They then have to attend a Group Day assessment in which, as the name implies, they lead their own group on a caving trip with an assessor observing.  Assessors are looking for safe, enjoyable and active days out which encourage participants to do more – the candidate this week certainly delivered on those.

If you’re interested in trying caving, caving training or assessment at any level, then Steve will be pleased to hear from you and happy to support you.  Please get in touch on 07796 213817 and steve@stevebanksoutdoors.co.uk

Steve has regular training courses for both Cave Leader and Vertical Cave Leader advertised on the website; he can run assessment days on demand as required.

By |October 1st, 2023|Cave|Comments Off on Cave Leader Group Day assssment

Barf & Lord’s Seat


We had a great day out in the heat on Barf, Lord’s Seat and in Whinlatter Forest.  Following a brief to avoid the crowds and to provide something rocky, steep and adventurous we scaled Barf straight up from Thornthwaite.  This route is not for the faint hearted or physically unfit (not an issue in our case) as it comprises steep scree and exposed crags.  It did though, meet the requirements and a grand day out was had by all.

Those driving along the A66 past Thornthwaite will likely have noticed the large white rock high on the side of Barf.  Local folklore has it that in 1783 the Bishop of Derry, who was staying in the Swan Inn at the foot of Barf, wagered he could ride his horse directly up to the summit. Unfortunately, the horse fell or died part way up (some versions say the bishop also was killed, though records show he died in Italy in 1803 of gout).  As a memorial to these exploits or, perhaps, the horse, the staff of the inn (and latterly the village residents) painted the prominent rock on the route white, a tradition which has endured to this day.  There is a smaller white painted rock at the foot of the route known as The [Bishop’s] Clerk.  Whatever the truth of the various tales, Barf does provide a route to its summit which is exciting and interesting and which does go past The Clerk and The Bishop enroute.

If you’d like Steve’s assistance with your mountain adventures please get in touch on 07796 213817 or steve@stevebanksoutdoors.co.uk.

By |September 7th, 2023|Environment, Keswick Guided Walks, Mountain, natural history|Comments Off on Barf & Lord’s Seat

Summer caving in the Dales

Gavel Pot

We had a great day out caving in the Dales recently: Steve took two enthusiastic young cavers out on a vertical trip in Gavel Pot as far as Glasfurd’s Chamber.  A super time was had by all.

If you’d like to try caving (no water, crawling, tight spaces, mud or cold necessary!) please give Steve a call to discuss your needs.  He’ll be pleased to hear from you and happy to help.  07796 213817 and steve@stevebanksoutdoors.co.uk

By |September 7th, 2023|Cave|Comments Off on Summer caving in the Dales

Butterfly Bonanza

Speckled Wood

A walk through the woods in the current hot weather demonstrated the boost provided to butterflies conferred by the current hot and calm weather.  Amongst the myriad Peacocks, Small Tortoiseshells and Small Whites we spotted this, somewhat bedraggled, Speckled Wood male (pararge aegeria).  You’ll notice that he’s missing his right antennae and his wings are damaged.  This could just be as a result of age related physical wear and tear, and/or due to the aerial battles which the males engage in.  The Lake District is the normal northermost point for this species, though there are some small isolated populations in lowland Scotland.  Their range extends over 700km North to South and comprises four subspecies – all slightly different and adapted to more or less sunlight and warmth.  For example, the subspecies in the Lakes has the largest wings to aid thermoregulation in our more varied and cooler climes.  Of course, man-made climate change is likely to have a significant impact on all butterfly species: in the case of the Speckled Wood, it may extend its permanent range northwards.

If you are keen on natural history and would like to engage with and learn more about the environment around you, Steve will be pleased to help.  See the webpages and call him on 07796 213817 or email steve@stevebanksoutdoors.co.uk to discuss your needs.

By |September 7th, 2023|Environment, Keswick Guided Walks, natural history|Comments Off on Butterfly Bonanza

Caving trip to Spain

Spanish Caving Trip

For the first time since the Covid pandemic struck, Steve is able to offer his week long caving trip in Northern Spain.  This trip is for any suitably fit individual (caver or non-caver) interested in day trips into some of Spain’s spectacular caverns.  You do not need to be a caver to take part in this trip as it comprises walking and scrambling in generally large (huge!) spaces with spectacular formations.  The few parts of the systems which require ascending and descending short ropes can easily be managed for everyone by Steve.  The trip will be based in Ramales de la Vittoria and cover Monday to Friday, 16th to 20th October.

If your interest is piqued by this adventure, please get in touch with Steve to discuss the trip in more detail and to find out whether it’s for you: steve@stevebanksoutdoors.co.uk and 07796 213817

By |July 22nd, 2023|Cave|Comments Off on Caving trip to Spain

Cave Leader assessment

Cave Leader assessment, Yorkshire Dales

Steve finished off a busy week of caving with a Cave Leader assessment.  The candidate took a group of children on a grand adventure day out in excellent weather.  A super time was enjoyed by all, including the candidate!

If you need any support to work towards your caving qualifications or would like to be a client on a caving assessment day, get in touch with Steve on steve@stevebanksoutdoors.co.uk or 07796 213817.  He’ll do his best to help.

By |July 22nd, 2023|Cave|Comments Off on Cave Leader assessment
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