The tides of March

Coastal Navigation course

The government is indicating that professional, organised outdoor sport and activity may be able to recommence from March 29th.  Clearly, any such activity will need to be very mindful of the ongoing Covid-19 situation.  Steve is listing courses from this date starting with a Sea Kayak Leader training course as it coincides with spring tides.  However, he does realise that we are all out of practice so has put on further Sea Leader training courses in April and May as well as the attendant Coastal Navigation course.  As per the earlier post the assessment for this award is now significantly changed; Steve has highlighted dates on which he can run assessments, though encourages anyone needing an alternative date to get in touch so he can help.  All Steve’s provision will strictly adhere to Covid-19 rules and procedures to ensure everyone’s wellbeing.

By |March 7th, 2021|Sea Kayak|Comments Off on The tides of March

BC Canoe Leader award changes

British Canoeing Leadership & Safety courses

In addition to the BC leadership award assessment changes listed in the previous post, their Canoe Leader and Advanced Canoe leader awards will now be divided into open water and white water.  This means that individuals wishing to specialise in only one environment will be able to gain the specific award they require following a single day assessment – or single day plus night exercise for advanced candidates on open water.  Anyone wishing to lead on white water and open water will need to take both assessments, though they do not need to be done on consecutive days as was previously the case.  It will also be possible to mix and match levels so, for example, an advanced open water test could be matched with a moderate water WW assessment.

Steve is able to run all these courses and will continue to offer training courses for canoeing leadership awards.  Please contact him to discuss your requirements.

By |February 19th, 2021|Canoe|Comments Off on BC Canoe Leader award changes

British Canoeing leadership assessment courses

CumbriaSea Kayak Leader Training

From January 4th 2021 British Canoeing have changed the format of their professional paddlesport leadership assessments to reduce the assessment time, though they have also reduced the ratio so that only 2 people maximum may be assessed at once – and they are encouraging 1:1. The new system allows a more bespoke approach so that assessments can be arranged with and tailored to candidate’s requirements and diaries. Whilst Steve will advertise available dates for moderate water and advanced water assessments in canoeing, sea kayaking and white water kayaking, you can also contact him for alternatives that are more suitable for you.

Most courses can be run anywhere there are suitable conditions, though travel and necessary accommodation outside of Steve’s local area is likely to incur extra cost unless he advertises assessments at specific non-local venues e.g. for Advanced Sea Leader the assessment may be available immediately after a training course run further afield where conditions are more consistently available.  Advanced canoe and sea leader assessments will still include a night exercise, advanced sea will further require a theory examination.

By |February 19th, 2021|Canoe, Sea Kayak, White Water Kayak|Comments Off on British Canoeing leadership assessment courses

Skill Acquisition course

Skill Acquisition 2

Following on from the publication of his latest paper Steve ran a two day Skill Acquisition course online.  This was a first for Steve but did allow participants to join from the Far East as well as from the length and breadth of the UK.  A stimulating and interesting two days were had with many engaging debates around the topics Steve introduced.

If you are interested in Skill Acquisition in any field and would like to better understand the latest research and its implications for learning and teaching then get in touch with Steve.  He’ll be pleased to hear from you and happy to help.

By |December 23rd, 2020|Skill Acquisition|Comments Off on Skill Acquisition course

Canoe Leader assessment

Canoe Leader assessment 2

We managed to run the Canoe Leader assessment for three candidates last weekend and, thanks to high water levels and some windy conditions, found excellent venues at the top of the remit.  This will be the last moderate or advanced water leader assessment run in this format as, from January 4th, British Canoeing are splitting canoeing into white water and open water disciplines.  BC are also moving to single day assessments with 2 candidates maximum.  For those specifically interested in canoeing, this will enable candidates to work on only the discipline they need or prefer, or to work towards both separately.  I’ll publish a further post in the New Year when the scheme is up and running, I’ll also put up information on the various updated courses.

If anyone has any questions about the upcoming changes please get in touch and I’ll do my best to assist.

By |December 23rd, 2020|Canoe|Comments Off on Canoe Leader assessment

Skill Acquisition course

Skill Acquisition course

Steve is running his signature Skill Acquisition course online on the 21st & 22nd December. He’ll be presenting this in his usual way i.e. no Powerpoint, and trying to maintain the usual flexibility and interaction with participants to ensure everyone maximises their understanding of critical factors in learning. For those new to this provision, it will not be a rerun of the information you may have been exposed to on various education courses or national governing body coaching awards. Steve has specialist academic training and knowledge in skill learning and, therefore, how we can aid that process for ourselves and others. He’s keen to communicate and translate the scientific evidence accurately so that it is accessible for learners and coaches of any level and discipline.

The December 2020 issue of Human Movement Science is now published and Steve’s latest academic paper is freely available via the following link until December 25th:

By |December 4th, 2020|Skill Acquisition|Comments Off on Skill Acquisition course

Winter walking in the Lake District

Lakes Winter Walking

Winter has arrived and with it the opportunity to get out into the snowy mountains.  If you’re interested in going out mountain walking in the Lakes in winter conditions but don’t feel confident to do so, Steve will be happy to provide support and guidance for groups of up to 4.  Please call to discuss your needs – Steve will be pleased to hear from you.  07796 213817

By |December 4th, 2020|Keswick Guided Walks, Mountain, Winter Mountain Walking|Comments Off on Winter walking in the Lake District

Canoe Leader assessment

British Canoeing Personal Performance Awards

We are still aiming to run our Canoe Leader assessment on the 19th & 20th December in Cumbria with all required Covid-19 precautions in place.  There is currently one place available for anyone interested in joining the course – possibly the last one to be run in the UK under the present BC scheme.  Please get in touch if you’re looking for this assessment and we’ll do our best to help.

By |December 4th, 2020|Canoe|Comments Off on Canoe Leader assessment

Skill Acquisition paper published

Human Movement Science

Steve has just had his latest academic paper published in Human Movement ScienceSteve’s research examined the impact of a distal versus a proximal external attentional focus in continuous, open skills – that is, skills which have a repetitive action and in which the participants have to respond to external variables beyond their control (e.g. weather, water conditions, opponents etc.).  Steve’s work demonstrated the importance of a prescribed distal focus if performance is to be optimised.

Elsevier (the publishers) have provided a free to access share link for the first 50 days of publication, so if you are interested in understanding more about critical issues in skilled performance, irrespective of skill level, age, gender and so forth, then have a look here: .

The link will work until December 25th, after that time only the abstract will be visible as Elsevier will then only make it available through purchases and subscription services.  If you have any questions about this or other skill acquisition issues please contact Steve.  You can also consider coming on Steve’s signature Skill Acquisition course which is packed with evidence based information to aid your learning, as well as the learning of anyone whose skills you are helping to develop.

By |November 8th, 2020|Skill Acquisition|Comments Off on Skill Acquisition paper published

Sea kayaking the Cumbrian Riviera

Private sea kayak guiding in Cumbria

St. Tropez? Well, not quite, though paddling back into Whitehaven harbour at dusk with a stunning sunset might make you wonder.  A great day out was had all the way around St Bees Head to Fleswick Bay and back with a private client in early November sunshine.  We had spectacular scenery, exciting seas under the cliffs at high water and the whole place to ourselves.  We were also pleasantly surprised to find that Whitehaven outer harbour now boasts a new launching ramp for small craft, making it much easier to get to the water either by carrying boats from the adjacent parking or by using a trolley.

Steve offers private coaching and guiding in sea kayaking, canoeing, white water kayaking, mountain walking, climbing and caving.  He also runs a wide range of personal and leadership qualification courses in these activities.  If you’re interested in trying a new activity or developing your skills he’ll be pleased to hear from you and happy to help.

Check Steve’s website for current activity and course dates and costs and/or get in touch with Steve on 07796 213817 or

By |November 8th, 2020|Sea Kayak|Comments Off on Sea kayaking the Cumbrian Riviera
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