Caving trip to Spain

Spanish Caving Trip

For the first time since the Covid pandemic struck, Steve is able to offer his week long caving trip in Northern Spain.  This trip is for any suitably fit individual (caver or non-caver) interested in day trips into some of Spain’s spectacular caverns.  You do not need to be a caver to take part in this trip as it comprises walking and scrambling in generally large (huge!) spaces with spectacular formations.  The few parts of the systems which require ascending and descending short ropes can easily be managed for everyone by Steve.  The trip will be based in Ramales de la Vittoria and cover Monday to Friday, 16th to 20th October.

If your interest is piqued by this adventure, please get in touch with Steve to discuss the trip in more detail and to find out whether it’s for you: and 07796 213817

By |July 22nd, 2023|Cave|Comments Off on Caving trip to Spain

Cave Leader assessment

Cave Leader assessment, Yorkshire Dales

Steve finished off a busy week of caving with a Cave Leader assessment.  The candidate took a group of children on a grand adventure day out in excellent weather.  A super time was enjoyed by all, including the candidate!

If you need any support to work towards your caving qualifications or would like to be a client on a caving assessment day, get in touch with Steve on or 07796 213817.  He’ll do his best to help.

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Vertical Cave Leader training, Yorkshire Dales

Vertical Cave Leader training, Yorkshire Dales

Steve ran a Vertical Cave Leader training course covering personal SRT, rigging for personal progression, rigging for group progression and the management of incidents in a vertical cave context. A very enjoyable and useful course for those wishing to develop their personal skills and knowledge as well as for those who wish to go on to take the assessment for this qualification.

If you are keen to improve your personal or professional caving Steve will be pleased to help. Get in touch at or on 07796 213817 and he’ll do his best to assist.

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Cave Leader training

Cave Leader training

Steve ran a two day Cave Leader training course in the Yorkshire Dales based near Ingleton.  As usual, Steve ran the days entirely outdoors so as to cover all the theory and practical in as hands on and engaging a manner as possible.

If you are interested in furthering your caving knowledge or developing your skills Steve will be pleased to help.  He runs regular Cave Leader and Vertical Cave Leader training and assessment courses.  Get in touch at and 07796 213817

By |July 16th, 2023|Cave|Comments Off on Cave Leader training

Ronas Voe

Towards the end of our two week adventure the wind had picked up from the South West making the West coast less appealing.  Steve still had plenty of options and chose Ronas Voe for a day of cave, stack and cliff exploration; indeed, these were the biggest cliffs we encountered on the entire trip.  We followed the voe out to the point where the red granite, and the most impressive coastline, changed to volcanic rocks.  Following lunch with a spectacular view northwards past Lang Ayre to Uyea, we wended our way back, enjoying the completely different perspective of the coast provided by the different direction of travel.  What a day!

07796 213817

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The Drongs

The Drongs are a tough, rocky remnant of an earlier coastline now eroded back to form the Hillswick peninsula.  They are both spectacular and enticing, as they were stationed offshore, clearly visible from our basecamp at all times.  With the fantastic weather and after several long days out, we decided a visit to The Drongs was in order. We combined this with a circumnavigation of the peninsula, which did require a short use of a portage trolley at the start across the narrow neck of land from one side to the other.  Another stunning paddle.

07796 213817

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Muckle Roe

Coastal Navigation Cumbria

The complex and incredible coastline and cliff architecture of Shetland is a result of a combination of geology and a position in the North Atlantic exposed to huge seas on a regular basis.  The sea has exploited any weakness in the rocks, or softer relative to harder rocks, to create caves and to drive tunnels as far as its energy can reach.  These too are subject to erosion and collapse leaving blowholes, stacks and wave cut platforms.  Most of Shetland’s most outstanding coast, from a sea kayaking perspective, faces this prime shaping force, the open ocean – the West.

Muckle Roe’s magical West coast is often difficult to access due to swell, wind and waves, but on this occasion the weather more than made up for previous disappointment and allowed us a long day’s circumnavigation and much exploration of this intricate and spellbinding place.  Some of the group thought this the best day’s sea kayaking they had ever had; it was hard to disagree.

07796 213817

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Papa Stour

Papa Stour

The amazing weather meant, for the first time on a Shetland trip, we could pack our boats and take on a two day outing with an overnight wild camp.  With cars loaded with provisions we headed to Sandness to circumnavigate Papa Stour – a swiss cheese-like coast of subterranean tunnels, huge caves, towering stacks and amazing wildlife.

A long first day saw us explore every nook and cranny: we experienced a tide race running through one large and very long tunnel and, headtorches to the fore, paddled for three hundred metres through a passage under a headland.  Our camp on the North coast of the island gave us magical views and a beautiful evening walk on which we had an abundance of wild flowers and, most notably, a pair of Arctic Skuas close by.

Following the coast back round to Sandness the following day we completed a stunning and memorable trip.

07796 213817

By |June 30th, 2023|Sea Kayak|Comments Off on Papa Stour



Day one of our Shetland paddling adventure dawned misty but very calm with, critically, no residual swell.  Steve decided that the overcast and still conditions would lend themselves very well to exacerbating the elemental and foreboding nature of the volcanic coastline of Eshaness.

We paddled from Hamnavoe to Tangwick taking in the huge cliffs, stacks and multiple caves, all whilst surrounded by myriad seabirds.  The highlights were Britain’s largest cave next to Calder’s Geo (yes, bigger than Gaping Gill) and the spectacular arch and tunnel through Dore Holm.  An amazing first day.

07796 213817

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Shetland Sea Kayaking trip

Sea Kayak trips

Steve is recently returned from a two week Sea Kayaking trip to Shetland.  We had the best conditions ever so were able to access parts of Shetland’s amazingly coastline that had hitherto been out of reach.  Even the locals commented that the sea was the calmest they had ever seen it – in their lives!  To try and do better justice to what was a fantastic experience for all, we’ve uploaded a series of blog posts and photos depicting some of the best parts of the trip – enjoy!

If you’re interested in sea kayaking trips or days out, call Steve for a chat about your paddling needs.  He’ll be pleased to hear from you and happy to help on 07796 213817 and

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