Barf & Lord’s Seat


We had a great day out in the heat on Barf, Lord’s Seat and in Whinlatter Forest.  Following a brief to avoid the crowds and to provide something rocky, steep and adventurous we scaled Barf straight up from Thornthwaite.  This route is not for the faint hearted or physically unfit (not an issue in our case) as it comprises steep scree and exposed crags.  It did though, meet the requirements and a grand day out was had by all.

Those driving along the A66 past Thornthwaite will likely have noticed the large white rock high on the side of Barf.  Local folklore has it that in 1783 the Bishop of Derry, who was staying in the Swan Inn at the foot of Barf, wagered he could ride his horse directly up to the summit. Unfortunately, the horse fell or died part way up (some versions say the bishop also was killed, though records show he died in Italy in 1803 of gout).  As a memorial to these exploits or, perhaps, the horse, the staff of the inn (and latterly the village residents) painted the prominent rock on the route white, a tradition which has endured to this day.  There is a smaller white painted rock at the foot of the route known as The [Bishop’s] Clerk.  Whatever the truth of the various tales, Barf does provide a route to its summit which is exciting and interesting and which does go past The Clerk and The Bishop enroute.

If you’d like Steve’s assistance with your mountain adventures please get in touch on 07796 213817 or

By |September 7th, 2023|Environment, Keswick Guided Walks, Mountain, natural history|Comments Off on Barf & Lord’s Seat

Walla Crag

Walla Crag lichens

A group of Indian women who had been to university together 40 years ago, and who now live around the world, had a reunion in the Lake District.  Steve was asked to provide a day out to engage with the environment, so a walk along the shore of Derwentwater with a traverse of Walla Crag to Keswick provided a fitting excursion.  The weather was kind and a super day was had with lots of interesting natural history, stunning views and not a little exercise!  We were keen to enjoy the vistas and also to examine the flora and fauna – including these different lichen species on a hawthorn tree.

If you would like Steve’s support for your day out in the Lakes, whatever your needs, he’ll be pleased to hear from you.  Please get in touch on 07796 213817 or

By |April 28th, 2023|Environment, Keswick Guided Walks, Mountain|Comments Off on Walla Crag

Bowscale Tarn

Bowscale Tarn

The sun has finally made an appearance in the Lake District following what seems like eternal rain and wind.  This led many people to rush to the hills to enjoy the warmer and dry conditions.  Not to be left out, we had a half day stroll to Bowscale Tarn which was still quiet and tranquil.  Many Lakeland tarns have now become interesting to wild swimmers, an activity which has developed very rapidly in recent years.  We did dip a hand in the water and, despite the relatively warm air temperature, the water was bitterly cold – there was still snow clinging to the Northern headwall of the corrie.  We’d certainly want a wet suit to go in there!

If you’d like Steve’s support to explore the Lakes, up high, down low or somewhere in between, he’ll be pleased to help – though not necessarily keen to swim!  Get in touch on 07796 213817 and

By |April 20th, 2023|Environment, Keswick Guided Walks, Mountain|Comments Off on Bowscale Tarn

Winter wandering


A sudden return to winter weather with lots of snow and very cold days led to us venturing out on a walk up Langstrath in Borrowdale, rather than enduring the strong and bitterly cold winds on the summits.  Langstrath is an unusual, long Lakeland valley in that is only accessible on foot, this imbues it with a similar feel to that which can be experienced in many valleys of the Scottish Highlands.  At this time of year and in this weather it is possible to also have the place to yourself – a rare pleasure in the Lakes!  On warm Summer days it can be very busy, as visitors flock to Blackmoss Pot (image) to enjoy the deep pool.

Steve offers guided walks all year round in the Lakes and further afield.  If you would like support for your adventures in the mountains and remote valleys please get in touch for a chat.  He’ll be pleased to hear from you and happy to help: 07796 213817 and

By |March 15th, 2023|Environment, Keswick Guided Walks, Mountain, Winter Mountain Walking|Comments Off on Winter wandering

Lake District Winter Walks

Lake District Winter Mountain guiding

We awoke to blue sky and snow on the hills – ideal conditions for a quick sortie up Blencathra!  Halls Fell ridge provided an interesting ascent as the snow had hidden much of the underlying rock, meaning stiff soled winter boots were very handy indeed.  Once on the summit, we were exposed to the NW wind which provided a temperature with windchill of -14C.  Quickly wrapping up in duvets and thicker gloves we enjoyed lunch with a spectacular view before descending via Doddick Fell back to base.

Snow clad mountains and bright blue skies are alluring to many of us, though do require additional skills and knowledge to tackle safely.  Having some winter equipment is very different from being able to use it safely – for example, we regularly see people out in winter with too-long axes strapped on the back of sacks with spikes pointing into the faces of anyone behind them; or wearing crampons when they are more likely to cause a fall rather than prevent one.  Axes should generally be carried spike down and adze forwards on the side of sacks, whilst crampons are rarely needed for walking on the thin, soft and temporary snow we receive in the Lakes.

If you’re keen on venturing into Britain’s winter hills, getting some professional guidance on how to do it safely may actually save you money, as well as from calamity.  Steve has run winter mountaineering courses and skill days for many years and will be very happy to support your snowy adventures.  Get in touch for a chat about your needs: and 07796 213817

By |January 16th, 2023|Keswick Guided Walks, Mountain, Winter Mountain Walking|Comments Off on Lake District Winter Walks

A New Year’s walk

Bleaberry Fell

Apparently endless wet, cold and windy weather over the holiday period was finally broken for a single day on January 2nd.  We grabbed the opportunity to get out and enjoyed the crisp, sunny conditions with a walk over Walla Crag and onto Bleaberry Fell and were rewarded with excellent panoramic views all round.  A great day out!

If you’d like support for any of your mountain adventures Steve will be pleased to help.  Call 07796 213817 or email on

By |January 3rd, 2023|Environment, Keswick Guided Walks, Mountain, Winter Mountain Walking|Comments Off on A New Year’s walk

Hallin Fell

Hallin Fell

We had a short but pleasant ascent up Hallin Fell from Martindale in warm and sunny conditions.  Whilst it is one of the Lake’s most straightforward hills to climb, it does offer excellent views over Ullswater and the surrounding mountains.  Hallin Fell also happened to be the only Lakeland fell which Steve had not been up at least twice.  He’s been up most of the 214 Lakeland peaks on multiple occasions though we’re not sure a full third lap is on the cards.

If you’d like Steve’s support for your walking, hiking, exploring and natural history, he’ll be pleased to hear from you and happy to help: 07796 213817 &

By |September 12th, 2022|Environment, Keswick Guided Walks, Mountain|Comments Off on Hallin Fell

Lakeland Mountain days

Steve has been out in the mountains the past two weekends at opposite ends of the Lake District.  He took a mother and her son, seeking a more adventurous walk, up Blencathra via Doddick Fell in thick mist with rapidly descending temperatures – we even had to break out the group shelter at lunchtime!  His more recent walk was a family outing from Coniston to Goat Water, Dow Crag, Brim Fell and Coniston Old Man in much more temperate conditions.  Two great days out.  The image shows Coniston Old Man over Goat Water from Dow Crag.

If you’d like Steve’s support for your mountain adventures he’ll be very pleased to help.  Get in touch on 07796 213817 or

By |May 10th, 2022|Keswick Guided Walks, Mountain|Comments Off on Lakeland Mountain days

Castle Crag, Borrowdale.

Castle Crag, Borrowdale

A beautiful  day saw us heading to Borrowdale for a relaxed wander up Castle Crag through the pretty, deciduous woodland with spring flowers and lots of birds busy in the warmth.  Rather than approach from Rosthwaite, we went for the adventurous option and took our shoes and socks off to wade across the river near the Bowderstone.  Castle Crag is the only fell on the list of Lakeland mountains under 1000ft, though what it lacks in altitude it more than makes up for in stature as its dominant, craggy presence in the ‘Jaws of Borrowdale’ makes it a visible sentinel from far to the North.

Significant slate quarrying and mining took place on Castle Crag and it bears the slate tips and excavation scars associated with that.  Most notably, it has the slate ‘cave’ on its North Eastern flank which was inhabited by Millican Dalton (1867-1947) for over 50 years.  Dalton, the so-called ‘Professor of Adventure’, gave up his job as an insurance clerk in London to live rough in the Lakes during summers; he survived by offering guiding to visitors and built rafts to paddle and sail down Derwentwater.

The photo shows the view North from the summit with the memorial plaque to the local war dead on the left.

If you’d enjoy Steve’s support for a day in the hills, or a half day like this one, please get in touch to discuss your needs: 07796 213817 &

By |April 20th, 2022|Mountain|Comments Off on Castle Crag, Borrowdale.

‘En Caw!’

Scafells from Middle Fell

A bitingly cold wind and overcast skies saw us well wrapped up as we tackled a round of Middle Fell, Seatallan, Haycock and Caw Fell from Wasdale.  The often vague and non-existent paths were testament to the fact that this is not a well-trodden area.  Caw Fell is generally reckoned to be the most remote hill in the Lakes as it’s at least 6km from the nearest road.  Caw is a long, whale backed ridge with a high point arriving much earlier than seems appropriate as you approach from Haycock.  For this reason we continued on past the shelter marked on the map to the final cairn – more Caw, or as one quick-witted member of the party exclaimed, ‘En Caw!’

If you’d like Steve’s support with your mountain adventures in the Lakes or further afield please get in touch, he’ll be pleased to hear from you and happy to help: 07796 213817 &

The photo shows the Scafells from Middle Fell.

By |April 4th, 2022|Keswick Guided Walks, Mountain|Comments Off on ‘En Caw!’
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